This tool allows you to take the 963 Export of the schematics and cover them quickly and easily to a useful IQvision version
Follow the trend 963 export progress and make sure to import correctly into IQvision
Open the PX and arange all the point to the top of the page.
Then save and change the view to Text Editor view copy and paste every line that starts with 'BoundLabel' into the 963 string box then click "convert"
Once it is done click the copy button at the bottom of the output page and paste it back into the text editor in IQvison
then change back to the PX editor and all being well great,
If It Errors
(module name="converters"/) may need to be add under the imports with<> if you have no BoundLabel on the page if it did not allow you to view in PX editor
All G and B referance point will still show as red flashing items on the page